Welcome to the Green Minded Mama!
Thank you for visiting! Green Minded Mama is a place for you to find green advice and tips based in both current research and the realities of being a busy family. Most of us want to live in a way that protects our families from toxins and helps preserve the beauty and wonder of our planet for our grandchildren. Finding the time in our hectic lives to make those things happen, however, can often feel overwhelming and impossible. Enter the Green Minded Mama (that's me!). Each week I'll dish opinions, research, reviews and information to help you keep your family green and healthy as well as my own struggles and triumphs working to do the same. For pregnancy, childbirth, infant care, parenting, your home, the food you eat and all of the other things that matter-think of me as the green living best friend you never knew you had. I will give you an honest take on creating a balanced, green family life. Small changes and choices can have a big impact on the our health and the health of our children. You don't need to be perfectly green to keep green in mind.
I'm glad you're here, let's go green without going crazy!